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Video Data Management
Session Time January 10th; 9:00 am to 12:30 pm
Location Forest Glen
Description A number of NOAA Programs have requirements for managing video data in compliance with NOAA Directives. The complexity and volume of video data collections create management challenges, and best practices for video data management have not been clearly defined. Anecdotally we find that many Program's video management needs overlap, regardless of collection method. A common dialog is needed to find enterprise solutions.

NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration and Research partnered with NCEI in a series of multiyear projects collectively called the Video Data Management Modernization Initiative (VDDMI.) VDDMI was designed to investigate and test methods of video data management, and has developed both long term archival solutions and an easy access portal. Best practices, video metadata templates, and reusable methods have been developed and documented for reuse by others.

This session will focus on two main video data management themes: 1) VDDMI: Best practices and operational video management solutions will be demonstrated and discussed; 2) Informal discussion of different video projects in NOAA will highlight the need for common solutions and areas for collaboration.

The outcome will be a greater understanding of the different video data management requirements around NOAA, available tools, and greater opportunities for interested groups to contribute towards the development of an enterprise solution.

Chair Sharon Mesick
Presentations and Notes Click Here!

Talk Length (min) Title Presenter
5D.1 30 OER Video Portal - A Video Data Management Success Story Susan Gottfried
5D.2 15 Deep Sea Video Acquisition Brendan Reser
5D.3 15 Legacy Video - A Practical Application in Video Rescue and Management Fred Katz
5D.4 30 Open Discussion
5D.5 15 Report on the 2016 Workshop to Establish Community Standards for Underwater Video Data Collection and Management Sharon Mesick
5D.6 15 Standardizing Metadata for NOAA Video and Imagery Data Mashkoor Malik
5D.7 15 Application of Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) to ROV Video Data for Enhanced Geospatial Analysis of Deep Sea Habitats Caitlin Ruby
5D.8 45 Open Discussion

5D.1 OER Video Portal - A Video Data Management Success Story

Susan Gottfried (NESDIS/OER)

NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) has a large and growing inventory of environmental data on video media or in video formats. The OER Data Management Team has been involved in a Video Data Management Modernization Initiative (VDMMI) project to come up with a solution to not only preserve these valuable video data assets, but to make them discoverable and accessible in a self-service model. In this session presentation, the VDMMI project lead will demonstrate the resulting OER Video Portal and discuss the elements that make it work.

5D.2 Deep Sea Video Acquisition

Brendan Reser (OAR/NCEI / Okeanos Explorer)

At sea high quality video acquisition from remotely operated vehicles (ROV)’s is both a costly and a challenging enterprise. The Office of Exploration and Research (OER) Okeanos Explorer program is a world leader not only in acquiring, curating, automating, and processing these video datasets from cameras up to 6000 meters / 19685 feet below sea level. This session presentation will focus on the acquisition strategies, lessons learned, and data pathway from 6000 meters to public access.

5D.3 Legacy Video - A Practical Application in Video Rescue and Management

Fred Katz (NESDIS/NCEI/Video Data Management Modernization Initiative)

Jonathan Blythe (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management)

Since the 1980s, DOI's Minerals Management Service, now Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), have supported studies using research submersibles to make video recordings of hydrocarbon seep sites in the Gulf of America. The size and extent of this legacy video dataset, over 900 gigabytes in volume and comprising 3,000 files, has presented a challenge to BOEM to make the collection preservable and discoverable. BOEM and NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) have been partnering together to apply key elements of the OER Video Data Management Modernization Initiative (VDMMI) to preserve and steward this dataset, and also demonstrate the utility of the OER model in successful technology transfer. In this session presentation, the lead on the BOEM video project will discuss progress made towards creating an effective solution for BOEM.

5D.5 Report on the 2016 Workshop to Establish Community Standards for Underwater Video Data Collection and Management

Sharon Mesick (NESDIS/NCEI)

Vickie Ferrini (Columbia University), Dwight Coleman, (University of Rhode Island), Adam Soule (WHOI)

In June 2016, the National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored a workshop focused on development of a communitydriven strategy for managing underwater video data collections. The workshop brought together the community of stakeholders - including scientists, data management professionals, vehicle operators and system designers, and education and outreach professionals - to define current practices and needs, and to begin to develop consensus and best practices recommendations for underwater video acquisition, tagging, archiving and access. This presentation will provide an overview of the high-level priorities and recommendations resulting from the workshop, with the intent of starting a broader dialog within the Environmental Data Management community.

5D.6 Standardizing Metadata for NOAA Video and Imagery Data

Mashkoor Malik (OAR/Office of Ocean Exploration and Research)

Chris Beaverson (NOAA OAR, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research), Laura Kracker (NOAA NOS, Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment, Biogeography), William Michaels (NOAA Fisheries, Office of Science & Technology), Elizabeth Clarke (NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center), Susan Gottfried (NOAA NCEI, National Coastal Data Development Center)

Video and still images are critical for several NOAA missions. Imagery is collected from various NOAA platforms including aircraft, vessels, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), trawl cameras. Irrespective of how the video and images are collected, users of these data sets require primary information about the data sets, including time, position, attitude, and camera variables (pan tilt, focal distance, and aperture) that can answer the basic questions of when, where and how the data set was collected so that interpretive observations can be made. This presentation will focus on three NOAA use cases to identify metadata requirements from NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER): Deep Sea Exploration using ROV, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS): Fish Stock Assessment using AUV and National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS): Habitat characterization using towed camera and ROV. Examples of how metadata are developed and used will be explained. The presentation will explore commonalities among NOAA use cases; results of a recent National Science Foundation (NSF) workshop on underwater video imagery data and a discussion on developing metadata standards for NOAA imagery data.

The metadata standards will enable NOAA-wide development of tools that can enable better access and interpretative analysis of NOAA video data and assimilation of observations within metadata. High-quality metadata will help to document existence of video content, and enable a unified approach to the long-term archiving and accessibility challenges. The NOAA enterprise strives to develop an inventory of distributed video resources that can be effectively queried for resource discovery and access. This NOAA wide effort will solicit input from the wider expert community to develop and implement the best practice guidelines for developing metadata standards to aid in archiving, accessing, and analyzing video and imagery data.

5D.7 Application of Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) to ROV Video Data for Enhanced Geospatial Analysis of Deep Sea Habitats

Caitlin Ruby (NESDIS/MSU / NGI / NCEI)

Adam Skarke (Mississippi State University), Sharon Mesick (NCEI)

The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) is a network of common nomenclature that provides a comprehensive framework for organizing physical, chemical, biological, and geological information about marine ecosystems. It was developed by the NOAA Coastal Services Center and NatureServe, in collaboration with other federal agencies and academic institutions. This classification standard serves as a means for scientists to more easily access, compare, and integrate marine environmental data from a wide range of sources and time frames. CMECS has been endorsed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) as a national metadata standard. The research presented here is focused on the application of CMECS to deep sea video and environmental data collected by the NOAA ROV Deep Discoverer and the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer while exploring the northern Gulf of America in 2014. Research objectives focus on determining the extent to which CMECS can be applied to deep sea benthic habitats in the northern Gulf of America, assessing the feasibility of annotating ROV video data through CMECS identifiers, and developing geospatial processing techniques necessary to spatially analyze and cartographically represent the classified deep sea habitats. Video classifications were accomplished using a hot key pad generated by the Video Annotation tool within Mashkoor Malik’s ROV Data Analyzer Software (still under development). This Video Annotation tool extracts the ROV coordinates based on the embedded time within the ROV video being classified, which allows the annotations to be ingested within a GIS. Geospatial processing techniques were used to interpolate environmental parameters (higher spatial resolution of local bathymetry, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen content), an array of CMECS compliant ecosystem surfaces (physical, geological, and biological), viewed areas along the seafloor (ROV viewsheds), holiday regions in which no ROV observations were made, as well as CMECS compliant habitat surfaces within the ROV viewsheds representing visually observable seafloor characteristics (physical, geological, and biological). The resulting geospatial data products support spatiotemporal analysis of the surrounding seafloor based on CMECS classifications. Furthermore, attributing ROV video and ancillary data with CMECS notations within the metadata documentation increases and refines the search options for end-user.

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