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NOAA PARR Implementation |
Session Time | January 9th; 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm | |||
Location | Salon E | |||
Description | Federal and NOAA "Public Access to Research Results" (PARR) requirements present implementation issues across NOAA, in particular the resources needed to properly track, archive, and provide access to scientific observations, models, and data-rich decision support tools, in addition to scientific publications (including technical reports and peer-reviewed publications) and the data supporting those publications. We would like to invite NOAA Program Offices to present their current and future implementation approaches, and discuss common and unique capabilities, needs, and challenges. | |||
Chair | Jessica Morgan | |||
Presentations and Notes | Click Here! | |||
Talk | Length (min) | Title | Presenter |
3A.1 | 15 | PARR - What you need to know | Katharine Weathers |
3A.2 | 15 | Implementing PARR at NOAA NCCOS: Providing Data Access via Archiving and Web Services | Jessica Morgan |
3A.3 | 15 | Beyond PARR - PMEL’s Integrated Data Management Strategy | Eugene F. Burger |
3A.4 | 15 | NOAA Institutional Repository Update | Stanley Elswick |
3A.5 | 12 | Use of DOIs at the NOAA Central Library | Stanley Elswick |
3A.6 | 15 | Open Discussion | |
3A.7 | 30 | NWFSC PARR Implementation Plan - A Work in Progress Part 1. Overview | Richard Kang |
3A.8 | 30 | NWFSC PARR Implementation Plan - A Work in Progress Part 2. Live Demo | Brendan Sylvander |
3A.9 | 30 | Open Discussion | |
Abstracts | |||
3A.1 | PARR - What you need to know
Katharine Weathers (NESDIS/NCEI) Jacqueline Mize (NCEI) |
The Public Access to Research Results (PARR) Memo was issued in 2013. Since its inception, many programs have battled confusion implementing the memo and directives presented by NOAA. The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has a long standing history of being able to provide expertise ensuring the long-term preservation of scientific data and scientific data stewardship that lends itself well to being able to assist with meeting PARR implementation. As part of Scientific Data Stewardship, NCEI built a web page, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/parr.html, for users to better understand the PARR. This page answers questions that data providers may have about the PARR in a concise manner with links to helpful resources. This presentation will describe activities undertaken by NOAA to meet these goals to increase the public accessibility of publications and digital data produced and exactly what federal researchers or recipients of federal funds need to do in order to meet these goals. Along with PARR compliance and stewardship, this presentation will go into how resources within NCEI Science Centers can aid data providers in implementation of the Tiers of Stewardship. | |||
3A.2 | Implementing PARR at NOAA NCCOS: Providing Data Access via Archiving and Web Services
Jessica Morgan (NOS/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)) |
The NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) has a responsibility to share federally-funded scientific data according to the Federal Public Access to Research Results (PARR) requirements. Using the NOAA Environmental Data Management Committee (EDMC) Procedural Directives on Data Management as a guide, along with best practices of the NOAA data management community, we are developing a implementation approach for NCCOS, including data management planning, data documentation, archiving, and web services. We are providing basic data access by archiving GIS and tabular data at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) using a modified S2N workflow that includes additional steps to improve data discovery. We are also providing enhanced data access to high-priority datasets through mapping (OGC/MapServer) and tabular (ERDDAP) web services. | |||
3A.3 | Beyond PARR - PMEL’s Integrated Data Management Strategy
Eugene F. Burger (OAR/PMEL/SDIG) Kevin M. O'Brien (JISAO, Univ. of Washington), Ansley B. Manke (NOAA/OAR/PMEL), Roland Schweitzer(WeatherTop Consulting), Karl M. Smith ( JISAO, Univ. of Washington) |
NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) hosts a wide range of scientific projects that span a number
of scientific and environmental research disciplines. Each of these 14 research projects have their own data streams
that are as diverse as the research. With its requirements for public access to federally funded research results and
data, the 2013 White House Office of Science and Technology memo on Public Access to Research Results (PARR)
changed the data management landscape for Federal agencies. In 2015 PMEL’s Science Data Integration Group
(SDIG) initiated a multi-year effort to formulate and implement an integrated data-management strategy for PMEL
research efforts.
Instead of using external requirements, such as PARR, to define our approach, we focussed on strategies to provide PMEL science projects with a unified framework for data submission, interoperable data access, data storage, and easier data archival to National Data Centers. This improves data access to PMEL scientists, their collaborators, and the public, and also provides a unified lab framework that allows our projects to meet their data management objectives, as well as those required by the PARR. We are implementing this solution in stages that allows us to test technology and architecture choices before committing to a large scale implementation. SDIG developers have completed the first year of development where our approach is to reuse and leverage existing frameworks and standards. This presentation will describe our data management strategy, explain our phased implementation approach, the software and framework choices, and how these elements help us meet the objectives of this strategy. We will share the lessons learned in dealing with diverse and complex datasets in this first year of implementation and how these outcomes will shape our decisions for this ongoing effort. The data management capabilities now available to scientific projects, and other services being developed to manage and preserve PMEL’s scientific data assets for our researchers, their collaborators, and future generations, will be described. |
3A.4 | NOAA Institutional Repository Update
Stanley Elswick (OAR/OAR/CFO-CAO/NCRL) |
The NOAA Institutional Repository fulfills the requirement of the NOAA Public Access to the Results of Research
(PARR) Plan to make available publications resulting from NOAA research. The Repository includes peer-reviewed
journal manuscripts and NOAA series documents as called for in the NOAA publications policy.
This presentation will give an overview of the Repository at its current stage of development and the plans for the coming year. The presentation will include a demo of the system. It will also cover the submission process with a demo of the submission page. |
3A.5 | Use of DOIs at the NOAA Central Library
Stanley Elswick (OAR/OAR/CFO-CAO/NCRL) Anna Fiolek |
The NOAA Central Library has minted DOIs for publications for a couple of years now and have established
procedures for handling publications. The process is an integral part of the ingest of many of these publications into
the NOAA Institutional Repository. This process also includes work with NOAA librarians and publication offices.
The presentation will describe the procedures, the format and list of fields the Library includes in the EZID metadata, and which publications receive a DOI. |
3A.7 | NWFSC PARR Implementation Plan - A Work in Progress Part 1. Overview
The NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle has been actively engaged in attempting to meet NOAA PARR compliance. A number of steps have been taken at the NMFS level, including the formation of the NMFS PARR Transition Team in addition to the Fisheries Management Advisory Committee, but also significant efforts made at the local level to improve information management at the field offices. The Center has progressively evolved in meeting a series of objectives from tracking Center's strategic research plan goals; documenting our NOAA and NMFS Data Management Plans; completing the PARR waiver process; capturing our data inventory; batch publishing the meta data into NMFS InPort/Data.gov; providing a pilot portal of web services and user ad-hoc query access; investigating our pilot steps to exchange Center data for archival to NCEI S2N/ATRAC systems without making our PI's and data managers re-enter the information more than once throughout the entire life cycle following the Center's PARR Implementation Plan. The goal over the coming months is to automate the complete data workflow cycle over time, report the performance metrics, and truly provide an environment for data sharing for our internal and external customers. With the help of PARR, the Center is now finally moving towards a culture where data is a shared resource, integrate our internal processes, and hopefully provide opportunities for improved research. | |||
3A.8 | NWFSC PARR Implementation Plan - A Work in Progress Part 2. Live Demo
Brendan Sylvander (NMFS/NOAA/NFMS/NWFSC/OMI) Jeff Cowen (NWFSC) |
This is a live demo of the workflow process developed at the NWFSC for the NWFSC PARR Implementation Plan - A Work in Progress in bringing together various sources of data, documents, web services, and applications websites for internal and external users for public access as well as connect various target systems such as the Center public website, InPort/Data.gov, NCEI S2N/Atrac for archive, Socrata, GenBank, NOAA Publications, ESRI GIS Servervia direct connect, as well as use the web services for custom applications for both consumer and producer of the data. |
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