Data Sharing Directive for NOAA Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts

This is the official download page for the Data and Publication Sharing Directive for NOAA Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts, which was orginally adopted by NOAA's Environmental Data Management Committee (EDMC) on October 2011, and subsequently revised in May 2012 and February 2016 (See version history below).

The current version of this document is version 3.0.

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Microsoft Word document   Download currenct version as a Microsoft Word file (doc)

The NOAA Acquisition and Grants Office (AGO) has issued Acquisition Alert 17-01: "NOAA Solicitations and Contracts Producing Environmental Data or Peer-Reviewed Publications" describing implementation of this Directive for contracts and contract solicitations.

The EDMC is committed to developing documents, templates, and other resources to assist NOAA Line Offices with the task of implementing NOAA Procedural Directives.

Version History

Version 3.0 Revised February 11, 2016 View transmittal letter (PDF)
Version 2.0 Revised May 29, 2012  
Version 1.0 Appoved October 12, 2011 View transmittal letter (PDF)